Thursday 25 March 2010

Uploaded to youtube...

I uploaded my film trailer onto youtube publicly so any persons who visit the site are able to watch my film trailer. I also included below information about copyright act 1988. which says, "Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders and we apologise if any have been overlooked. Should copyright have been unwittingly infringed in this production, the owners should make contact with me, and I will try to make the wanted corrections". As you can see below, so far my film teaser trailer has recieved 51 views!!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Today is the first day ive started using the bizarre yet amazing website For my media evaluation I will be using prezi to present my evaluation of my A2 media product and ancillary texts. The evaluation questions are as followed...
1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media texts?
2.) What have you learned from your audience feedback?
3.) how effective is the conbination of your main product & ancillary texts?
4.) How did you use new media technologies in the construction & research, planning and evaluation stages?

So far with my prezi presentation evaluation slide I have arranged the questions around the page & put them into frames.. I then also managed to embed my finished product on youtube onto my prezi!! (& yes I had to ask google how to do this)...

Ive now completed my prezi.. i hope you enjoy!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

The final touches

Now my teaser trailer Amore has been fully filmed & edited with my happy satisfaction, it is important to me to add the final authentic touches of which are included in real media trailers to make mine authentic also. The authentic touches I had in mind were to include a release date showing audiences what date it comes out in cinemas, the age certificate, title, tagline, the Production Company & names of the star actors & actresses. During my research I was noticing what materials and information were being obtained through these trailers & how this was shown to the audience. Below are some screen print examples of my research:

Here is an example of some very popular and familiar films trailers from twilight to the new toy story 3. Each have similar information features which include stars, title & release date. After looking at teaser film trailers I noticed that most keep the information short and simple, this will prevent audiences loosing concentration and is good advice for my film trailer.

Originally I wanted to include this information in my teaser trailer a few seconds after the picture burns in my video. The image I had in my head was for the picture to be burning of the married couple and then the picture fades slowly into the background with the title, release date and stars along with age certificate to appear in red writing, this would then integrate into my film trailer looking authentic and professional.

However, after hours and hours of trying my partner and me were unable to perform this idea :(, the version of Photoshop our school provides is technically not capable, we needed a newer version which the apple Mac laptops did not provide. Very saddened my only alternative was to simply create a new clip with this information and place it into my film trailer, although at first I wasn’t happy with this idea, once the trailer had been created it looked just as professional if not even more & during the process I have gained many new skills such as learning to save the picture to a Jpeg document so the sizing would be a match in my film trailer.

This was inserted as a still image clip transferred to my film trailer at the end, After all the hassle and problems I had with Photoshop & this image i am very pleased to be able to include it into my film trailer, I hope you like it.