Wednesday 27 January 2010

Production Work Research

As i have learnt over the last two rather long years of A level media studies, Research is a vital aspect of good media knowledge to complete a good peice of work. To research my production work I used several different methods:

Watching previous St Marks past Student work on the same production coursework.


I wanted the narrative of my film trailer to be 'different' yet still have the touch of realism of a film that really could be produced. I wanted a strong plot that would captivate a wide audience and was at first lost for thougths of a good storyline. I had ideas such as a dance film which would include clips of professional dance schools. Another idea of a Young child going missing from his Grandma using effects of cliffhangers to keep audiences intrested. & I even has ideas of a film trailer based upon fashion! these ideas became difficult and complicated to plan within the short space of time i had to film, edit and produce my other two tasks.

I have interest in true life stories ( such as in magazines) & events (such as documentries & news) that I could manipulate into a good narrative for my film trailer, my Grandma is addicted to these magazines such as: 'Take a Break'...'Real Life Stories'...'Pick Me Up' I began reading through her magazines. Then instead of trying to think of an idea at random it became a great way to find many real life shocking stories, & using a conbination of information from newspapers/websites/TV, I finally thought of a great ideas for my film trailer.
Here are a few of the magazines and websites I have been reading to get ideas...

Here is a viarety of media reserach to help me create ideas for my film trailer. I have decided to base my media production film trailer with a Thiller, romance genre... The narrative, A 4year old happily married Couple together, when the husband cheats and the Wife finds out... The Wife then turns crazy & heads to the kichen for a knife!! My target audience is aimed for aged 15 and above both male and female and for those who enjoy the thrill. I plan to have my film trailer fast, flashy, Bold, with a hint of sexyness & mystery.

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