Tuesday 12 January 2010

Preliminary tasks on film studies

Returning back to school after the rather long christmas break due to the snow, Half way through the year now, media studies becoming more challenging & exciting as ever as were getting closer to producing our final product. Over the last few terms i have created 3 prelimanry tasks on film studies:

  • Alco help mini film
  • Film trailer for the horror film 'Prom Night'
  • A music video!

Alco help film, was a short film (3-5 minutes) that focused on showing the dangers of underage drinking. The films target audience was aimed for teenagers aged 12-15 years, showing the negative effects and awareness of underage drinking. This mini film was also part of a competition all over the country although however, I wanted to focus more on the practice experience of equipment and editing more than the competition side of things . For this assignment I worked in a group which consisted of Catherine, Karmann and myself, As a group we all brought together skills and qualities that worked well together so we could reach our best potential. For example, Karmann's good at the 'technical' side, while im the 'Creative' one and Catherine 'honest' one about changes that need to be made. Seeing as it was my first preliminary task, i had to re familarise myself with equipment, filming techniques and the most obvious one which was EDITING! during the editing stages we spend hours doing editing when our laptop Mac decided to crash without us saving our work, we were very frustrated and quickly learnt to save work on a regular basis.

(download film here)

1 comment:

  1. Good start Daniela. You do need to develop a discussion of all activities. I aslo could not download your film. See if you can rectify this.

    Where were you today. You missed a handout and a series of tasks connected with it. Make sure you catch up.
