Sunday 7 February 2010

Research For Music Magazine's and Film Posters for Production work

I want to get started on my production tasks soon, allowing me to have plenty of time to get-use-to Photoshop again so I have been researching Film magazine and Film posters... I am fairly familiar with Film posters but as for Film magazines I need more of an understanding. From Google, I have researched the appearance of what film magazines and film posters look like and connotations & denotations I need such as:

• A large title which attracts the eye, bold colours which stand out
from the background#

• intriguing picture which would attract viewers to
the film

• persuasive language which might persuade the viewers to go
and see the film, using the main character's name for promotion, and
the certification will either to ensure that the right type of people
are watching the film

• An example of how different types of film (e.g. comedy, horror) poster
use these forms and conventions to attract a certain type of person
(e.g. teenagers, horror fans) would be a really scary horror film
which will use eerie images in order to appeal to horror fans.

• Attracting the target audience and persuade them to come and watch the film.

Film Magazines

Film Posters

Overall as a person I think most people would agree i'm definitely a girly girl! :) so the types of film posters that normally attract me are chick flicks & your stereotypical genre of love& romance, never really focusing too much on thriller/horror films until this MEDIA COURSEWORK!!... I wanted a challenge & the learning experience to become accustomed to a much different genre in order to widen my knowledge. Instead of focusing on all genre film posters I realised it would be much more beneficial if I merely concentrate on Thriller/Horror posters. When researching these film posters I was hoping to trigger my personal ideas & put them into my work.

“Perfect stranger” has a simplistic film poster, with one main background image of I’m assuming the two main well known characters, this immediately would catch the attention to potential audiences that are fans of either Halle Berry or Bruce Willis. The poster includes the release date, title & the tagline. Personally I like image the creators have made, it is very creative & artistic but to me it would be more appealing with a little more information such as a website. The colours used are black, red & white each of these colours are bold & stands out, as well as suggesting these colours are related to blood, murder, mystery , violence & death.

“The Prestige” film poster is very basic having only the film title & names of actors/actresses in bold writing, the poster uses the main image to capture audience’s attention as it is moderately enlightens the plot, two men back to back separated by a women. The colours are similarly dark colours with a good effect of smoke coming from the women which I think is entertaining to look at. The poster could include more information such as the release date or tagline.

“Nothing to lose” has a poster full of activity which to make sense off can seem complex. There are three background images very carefully organised. It would attract audience's that prefer the 'jumpy' films types from the vibe I get from the poster. The main image that instantly catches audience’s attention are the red shaded eyes of an actor. The next image is a location establishing of an old castle which would stereotype into being ‘scary’. The final image a skull with a back ground of purple stormy weather. The colours used are also a lot of red for signs of blood, murder, death although this poster has a dark purple colour suggesting mystery and darkness. The Poster includes lots of information such as academy award winner, and names of people who feature behind the scenes & also a quote. This is a persuasive technique to assemble audience’s to be curious about watching the film. The poster could include a website I think this would be good for their promotion.

“28 Weeks later...” is very contrasting to the previous film poster, it has an unadorned effect. The background &the one only image are linked together, skilfully done made from blood which would automatically attract the ‘horror/thriller enjoying target audience. The colour scheme is red and white only, bold colours that also suggest blood, violence, death and/or murder. I think the film poster should include a quote just to reassure potential audiences that it is worth watching.

“Hatchet” has a very straightforward film poster. The one & only image of what I assume is used as a murder weapon, this adds mystery to this poster. As usual this poster also uses the colour schemes of black which suggests darkness, creepiness with a complement of a white tone which to me adds joyfulness as well as ghastliness. Differently this poster includes plenty of information such as quotes, tagline, and names of producers, film makers, directors, a website address & another tagline. To brighten up this poster they could add actors or actresses names to boast up potential target audiences.

“The hills run red” immediately this poster to me comes across as disturbing. The image is of a disfigured face, with angry outraged looking eyes staring directly at the audience and hideous teeth. The poster has a red theme with red blood clouds, red person image & a black bottom suggesting disturbance, death & blood. The poster to me displays the ‘perfect’ amount of information, tagline, release date, & website and general film information which is not too little or too much to take in and read. The creators are obviously going for a “bloodcurdling ‘’ look, although to me doesn’t seem too appealing to watch.

After looking at these film posters in detail I have noticed a distinct pattern of the use of colours used. All the film poster I have researched use BLACK! And the majority also red. I would like to take this into consideration when creating my film poster. Using Black colouring may link my film to horror/thriller to that niche audience who enjoy a good thriller. These film posters have given me an inspiration of creative ideas, and I have learned that the best posters focus on images and colours as it makes all the difference to stand out from the rest of this genre.

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